
NOTE:  All Principia faculty, staff, and 大学 students must have a signed copy of this form on file before using the Principia Network.


Principia provides wide governance of technology use through this policy in order to:

  • Reflect the same standards of moral conduct that we would apply to any other form of communication
  • Expect 法律-abiding behavior from all members of the community
  • Safeguard the integrity of the institution and protect it from legal harm
  • Protect members of the community from unreasonable and avoidable offense
  • Operate technology services at the least possible cost, 从而保护学生, 父母, 捐助者, 和其他利益相关者

基于 学校宗旨和政策

All use of technology at Principia must reflect Principia standards and the policies as stated in 学校宗旨和政策.

  • Policy 10 states that we all have the "obligation to use technical skills and intellectual attainments for the betterment of humanity."
  • In a strong statement in support of character education, Policy 12 acknowledges the need to develop "the power to think accurately, 明智的 . . . to discard that which is not constructive in daily living . . . 形成崇高的理想."


  1. No transmissions originating from Principia’s campuses may include inappropriate content.  It is a crime under both Illinois and Federal 法律s for anyone to make obscene or harassing phone calls, 电文或其他电子传输.  No member of this community shall use obscenities in a greeting or a message. The same standards that pertain to any other medium at Principia apply to all Principians’ electronic publications or transmissions.  This guideline applies to e-mail and attachments whether Principia or another party provides the service. 该指南也适用于网页, 语音信箱, 即时消息, 网络聊天, file sharing and any other form of electronic transmissions or publications.
  2. Users will obey the 法律s governing the use of technology, including those 法律s pertaining to copyright and criminal trespass. 这与 校长的知识产权政策 违反州或联邦版权法. 这包括:

    Downloading copyrighted materials from the internet without proof of permission from the copyright holder:

    Copying or using copyrighted materials without proof of permission from the copyright holder:

    • audio
    • 文学材料
    • video
    • 电影
    • 图形
    • 戏剧作品
    • 文本材料
    • 音乐作品


    • 艺术作品
    Copyrighted works may also include printed publications, 电视和广播节目, 录像带, 音乐表演, 照片, 培训材料, 手册, 文档, 软件程序, 数据库, 及网站. 在一般情况下, the 法律s that apply to printed materials are also applicable to visual and electronic media. 例子包括CD、DVD和网页.

    注:它不违背 校长的知识产权政策 to copy or use copyrighted material for the limited purposes outlined by the  “Fair Use Doctrine.有关代码的副本,请参阅 法律.康奈尔大学.edu/uscode/17/107.html, or contact the Office of the Academic Deans at 原理上大学, 618-374-5156.
  3. Users must not share passwords or attempt unauthorized access.
    • Individuals are responsible for activity within their accounts. Therefore, individuals should not share network accounts or passwords.
    • Users may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any account, computer, or network device.  这种企图可能成为采取法律行动的理由.
  4. 纪律.  纪律 for violation may include the removal of all rights to use Principia’s network, 包括网络账号丢失, 电子邮件帐户, and the ability to use one’s own computer on Principia’s network. Principia will investigate any complaint or apparent violation of this policy, according to disciplinary procedures of the Principia. 根据马太法典, if any member of the community finds evidence of a violation of Principia’s copyright policy, the finder should approach the suspected violator, and explain the copyright 法律 as the finder understands it. If the evidence from the suspected violator indicates only legal behavior, 那么事情就结束了.  Should the finder conclude the behavior is inappropriate, 他不相信这种行为会停止, 然后, 以学生为例, 发现者应联系学生生活部. In the case of all others, the finder should contact the Personnel Office.

    If Personnel or 学生生活 fact-finding indicates a violation of Principia policy, the consequence would not be limited to but may include:
    1. 删除所有有版权的材料, and the agreement not to engage in the activity again either on or off campus.
    2. A suspected student will be referred to the 学生生活 Residence Director and to the Community Board Process for appropriate action, 直至并包括停职.  A suspected faculty or staff member will be referred to the Personnel Office (rather than up the chain of command in order to ensure consistent application of policy).
    3. If the offense is found by IT networking personnel during actual transmission, the suspected users’ switch port will be shut down until the appropriate discipline is complete.

    IT reserves the right to both require and to restrict the use of certain technologies.  Failure to observe these requirements and restrictions may lead to discipline including fines and suspension of services.  IT will communicate these requirements and restrictions through distribution e-mail and I/O mail.  一个全面的列表可以在 PrinWeb上的资讯科技网站


